MOBA with heroes from Slavic fairy tales from

Meet your favorite Slavic heroes in a fantastic online arena

Which of us, while reading or listening to fairy tales, did not dream of fighting Baba Yaga or Vodyanoy, standing on the side of good together with Ivan Tsarevich? Or on the contrary, join the squad of Nightingale the Robber and try your hand against a real folk poem hero?

"Kalinov Most" is an online arena where legendary heroes of beloved fairy tales find their embodiment in a unique multiplayer reality.

The game combines addictive gameplay, engaging strategy and a deep connection to folklore and cultural heritage. “Kalinov Most” is not just a game, it is a real journey into a world where every battle becomes part of a legend.

The bridge over the Smorodina River connects two opposing worlds - Yav and Nav, or simply the world of the living and the world of the dead. Which side will you take?

Two teams of three players of different classes meet in the arena. Each player gets a chosen character with a special set of qualities and abilities. Someone is endowed with remarkable strength, while someone has exceptional agility or resistance. During the game, the teams fight for a certain part of the map - the heart of the arena. The team that manages to hold out in the center longer than the opponent wins.

In fairy tales, good always wins, but in our game, the winner is the one who is better at using advantages.

Melee Fighter

These heroes have remarkable strength of resistance, expressed in certain qualities. In close combat, the one who knows no fear and is ready to take the brunt of the blow is good.
Ranged fighter

Strength of mind, agility or the ability to use wit are the keys to success for the heroes of this class. In long-range combat, accuracy and intuition are important.
Support Fighter

The wisdom and resilience that the heroes of this class are endowed with has saved not only teams, but entire nations more than once. Keeping a balance between intriguing the enemy and helping your own, you can achieve excellent results.
The player will have to choose one of 12 characters, each with a unique set of characteristics and abilities
The key to victory in the battle is in the very center of the arena, and the task of each team is to keep this zone under their influence for as long as possible. To successfully complete the mission "Capture the Center", you will need not only the strength and magic of the heroes, but also the cunning and ingenuity of the players themselves.

A team's success depends directly on the players ability to maximize their characters abilities, as well as the arena landscape and time advantage. Each team will have to form its own strategy, based on the composition of the heroes and the possible actions of the enemy.

Capturing the center entails new attacks, skirmishes and invasions, which requires players to pay constant attention and quickly adapt to new conditions. Tactical skill, flexibility of mind and speed of decision-making become decisive factors.
Dynamic gameplay:
To encourage players not to sit in cover, but to actively explore the territory, engage in skirmishes and initiate full-scale battles where every step can be decisive.
Friends, welcome to our magical arena! And today we are waiting for an incredible spectacle: very high level teams will fight for the title of the strongest before our eyes.Meet Koschei's team and their fierce opponents - Muromets' team!

Koshchei's team immediately goes into battle! And what do we see? While the Immortal himself mercilessly beats the hero, his allies do not waste time and desperately support their leader. Nightingale quietly whistles and throws knives at Muromets, while Likho sucks the last of the big guy's strength. The hero clearly does not like this! In desperation, Muromets decides to use his crushing blow "Mace Reflection". Now Koshchei's brotherhood will have a very difficult time.

It turns out that all the heroic power was put into this blow and Muromets returns the damage received to the enemies. Vasilisa uses her rejuvenating apples and quickly brings her leader back to order. And Vodyanoy, well, what can Vodyanoy do in this situation? Of course, throw leeches.

Koschei and his comrades are not ready for hirudotherapy, it seems. The hero is finally left alone and the whole crowd begins to beat up Vodyanoy, and it seems that they are doing great. In order to give Vodyanoy at least some chance, Vasilisa decides to distract the enemies with a doll. The rag patroness wakes up and the entire Muromets team gains invulnerability. Take care of your savior, guys!

Vasilisa may be wise, but she cannot outwit Nightingale. With the help of the "Escaping Wind", the Robber instantly appears next to the Wise One. And now it's better to cover your ears, because someone is clearly preparing to use their famous "Nightingale Whistle". Yes, that's right, Nightingale mercilessly throws back opponents and deprives them of all their buffs.


This is exactly what Koschei was waiting for! Muromets' entire team is in full view of him. "Vampire Rune" is used, Nightingale and Likho receive a powerful influx of strength from their commander and are ready for any challenge.

Friends, I haven't seen such a spectacular battle for a long time. No one wants to give in, our heroes spare neither the enemy nor themselves. And right now, right before your eyes, a mighty hero sacrifices himself in the name of saving his team. Muromets is an experienced leader and knows exactly when to take the hit to strengthen his allies with the "Heritage of the Hero" technique. Well, let's see what happens next…

Each character has five sets of clothing and equipment.
The first, the simplest set, is given to the character at the moment of purchase. After the first victories, the player can spend the gold earned in battle on sets of the second and third levels. The opportunity to purchase the next set, the fourth level, is open only to those players who have managed to earn points of fame. And the strongest and most powerful fifth set requires not only gold and points of fame, but also compliance with a certain rating at the time of the upgrade.

Shoulder pad
The breastplate
The bracers
Shoulder pad
The breastplate
The system of runes and scrolls is a unique mechanic for strengthening and customizing characters and helps players to dive deeper into the strategic component.

Runes are magical artifacts that enhance a hero's characteristics according to their value.

Scrolls, on the other hand, increase the level of the entire character's equipment. But this option is available only to the luckiest

To effectively use runes and scrolls, you need the right strategy: with a skillful combination, you can significantly improve the player's characteristics and even influence the outcome of the battle. At this point, players are given full scope for experimentation, everyone can create their own unique and most effective set, adapting the character's capabilities to their own style of play.
The game is scheduled for release on mobile platforms, the next stages will be development for PC and consoles
iOS, Android

You can choose a rate which would be comfortable for you
Nintendo Switch, XBox
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